Saturday, November 3, 2012

fun when the storm rolls in

as i'm sure most of the world may know, the east coast of the usa was bombarded by hurricane/super storm sandy/frankenstorm at the beginning of this week.

js, pbs and i lost power for about 12 hours. we made the best of it. we have a gas fireplace, which js figured out how to light and we kept warm from the heat off of that. pbs was a little freaked out at first but js and i made it fun for him and his fears seemed to disappear. we "cleaned the floor" in front of the fireplace by having sock footed races. for dinner we had chips and popcorn, fun stuff for an out of the ordinary kind of night. later in the evening we decided to have a cars 2 slumber party in our bedroom. we brought the ipad with cars 2 on it into our room and the three of us were snuggled up in our bed. pbs slept in our bed that night.

js checked out the house and neighborhood after frankenstorm and everything seemed fine for us. there were a few limbs down but it didn't seem like anything was damaged. that's how we have fun when the storm rolls in.

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