Wednesday, August 8, 2012


the past few days have made me think, i mean really think, about whether or not we should try for a second child. on the one hand, we would love for pbs to have a sibling that he could play and learn with. but on the other hand, i wonder if js and i would have enough time to spend with each child individually the way we have with pbs.

both js and i are oldest children. i'm the oldest of two and he's the oldest of three. we both would love for pbs to have the camaraderie that only comes with having siblings. even sibling rivalry is an experience that i wouldn't trado for anything because it taught me how to be in other relationships in my life and made me who i am today. of course there were times when my mom wondered if my brother and i would make it to college or to see our 30th birthdays, but we both made it. we are much closer now than we ever were growing up. we've grown up and are able to see past our differences and quirks and love each other for who we are.

now my brother and sister-in-law are about to become parents through adoption. their baby is coming any day! we are so excited and happy for them. pbs will have a cousin in just a few days. cousins are almost as good as having a brother or sister. my brother and i have many cousins and love them and miss them very much. we don't get to see each other very often.

pbs is a pretty mature two and a half. he's pretty independent, as most two and a half year olds are. we've noticed that he seems more mature than some of the older kids he's been around. he's polite, caring, concerned and even understands when he's done something wrong. he apologizes and really seems sorry if he does something he shouldn't. we work with him all the time on these things and other issues when they come up. i think pbs could handle being a big brother but i don't know if i could handle it.

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