Monday, March 5, 2012

what have we done?

what have we done? did we do the right thing for us? are we really sure about this? is this what we really want? these are questions that js and i have been asking ourselves over the last several hours after having put an offer on a house.

we weren't the only offer, but that actually made us feel better about making the offer. maybe we'll have our offer accepted maybe we won't. that will decide whether we've done the right thing for us. we'll hopefully find out today or early tomorrow whether or not our offer has been accepted.

neither of us slept very well last night after making our first offer on a house, knowing that there is another offer but hoping and praying that this was the right decision for us. as of right now, we think it is the right decision.

the house in question is four bedroom, two bathroom, single level house with an amazing backyard. the backyard was a huge selling point for us. we want a place where pbs can play and we don't have to worry about traffic or being in the stroller all the time. the house is not within walking distance to the metro but it is within walking distance to a few buses. we will have to compromise on that but i think for our happiness and safety it's worth it. we would pretty much have to compromise on not being within walking distance to the metro with most houses in our price range.

we will eventually be home owners even if it's not this house. it's all a learning experience. so i guess that's what we have done.

1 comment:

  1. I love your attitude -- that the right thing will happen. It will!:o) Whether this house or another house, we wish you all the very best in your house-hunting and homeowner adventures!
