Wednesday, March 7, 2012

on with the search

in my last post, i wrote of js and my worries and concerns about having done the right thing by putting an offer on a house. i think we got our answer. the sellers decided to go with the other offer. so this was not the house after all.

it's disappointing but we learned from it and realize that we need to go in with strong offers on any other properties we may fall in love with. we thought we had gone in with a strong offer but the other offer must have been stronger.

now we just have to pick ourselves up, find what's right for us and move on with the search.


  1. Sorry that this house was not "the one" for you guys. I remember well the highs and lows (and stresses!) that come with house hunting. Often you can't predict what makes an offer look strong to the seller. One time we made an offer on a house, and another offer won out (even though our offer was higher) because our offer was a combination of down payment and financing and the other offer was an all-cash offer. I guess the seller had previous offers fall through during the financing process, so this time around they grabbed the smaller offer because it was cash only. There's no way we could have competed with that one!

    Hang in there! The ride may be bumpy, but at the end you'll find yourself in a home that was worth the wait! :o)

  2. So excited for you guys in this new adventure in life! I know it may be rough at times- but remember everything so I can pick your brain in the next year or so for tips :) :) :) Excited to hear about more that you're looking at!
