Wednesday, August 10, 2011

when life gets in the way

it's been quite a while since i've posted anything on here. summer, vacations, reunions, weddings, personal issues, family, family, family! when life gets in the way.

what do you do when life gets in the way? i tend to get swept away with the hectic pace of everyday life. i wish i could separate or compartmentalize better in my mind. that doesn't always happen and life sweeps me off my feet and takes me for a wild ride for a while.

i'm almost to a point right now where i feel like i can stand on my own two feet again. i know life will happen and i'll get swept back in but for now i'm okay. i feel like i can breathe for a minute or two and not be under the piles that life has been heaping on us lately.  i guess sometimes life just decides that it will take over and when i realize that it's getting in my way, it's too late and i have to ride the wave for a while.

so hopefully i can get back on a more regular schedule of posting on here.


  1. Chicago says: Welcome back! Glad to see you posting again.

    Well said about life and waves. I find it tough to tell when I'm supposed to master the wave and when I'm supposed to just ride along with it. Little bit of both, all the time, I suppose.

    Congrats on getting your footing again :)

  2. Glad to see you posting as well - I've been wondering/worried about you!
