Wednesday, March 30, 2011

daily choices of a sahm

having moved coast to coast and back in the last four years, you'd think i could make a decision about what to do with pbs during the day. i mean, i was able to help in contributing to the decision to make those moves and several others. i have a college degree, so i know i can deal with challenging situations. but trying to decide what to do with a fourteen month old seems to be another story.

we live across the street from a shopping mall and not far from the metro. we do get out and go, so it's not like we sit in front of the tv all day long. although, some days that does happen...especially when the weather's not so good. we do watch "world world", "dinosaur train" and "chuggington". those seem to be his favorites. PBS and disney channel are our friends. the tv is on more for background noise than anything else. we read books over and over and over and over...his favorite is eric carle's "brown bear, brown bear what do you see?" between reading books, learning how to feed himself, playing with his toys and napping there doesn't seem to be much time for anything else some days.

we metro into old town alexandria, pentagon city, arlington cemetery, the national mall, tidal basin, etc. we go to museums, shops, parks. pbs gets to interact with other kids some in the nursery at church once a week. he seems to love being around the other kids and all the toys once he gets over the fact that we've left him for a little bit. i worry a little that he's not around other kids enough but i don't know how to fix this. i guess eventually he will get over being left in the nursery or with a babysitter. for now, we just feel bad for the the babysitters and nursery volunteers.

maybe the museums, shops, parks, etc. are more for me but i think that's ok. i need to be able to have adult conversation with other women and with js. it's been an interesting challenge to try to figure out but we're getting there. it's all in the daily choices we make.


  1. Aaron and I would love to come visit you in DC. & see all the things you wrote about and then DJ and Cal can meet thier cousins. Don't worry too much, you are a super duper wonderful mom and parker is one lucky kid to have a mom like you! Tat

  2. Come on out any time Tat! We'd love to have you stay with us and play tour guide/tourist with you. Thanks!

  3. Great blog Lynn, you are a great mom & I think every mom out there needs some mom down time as well as some couple time. The guilt will always be there I think. I have a gift card to the salon from last year! I want to go & need to go, but just have not made the time. Being a sahm is a hard adjustment. Make sure you get out as much as possible. Have you looked into a MOPS group. That was my life saver. Sorry this is so long. Let's chat. Thanks for blogging so honestly.
