potty training is definitely not one of my favorite things to do. pbs and i have been quarantined, in our own home basically, since february 18th. just over a month with very little tv or contact with living people or animals.
i think we are both going stir crazy and are so ready to get out and do something. but, i am extremely nervous about getting out and not being near a restroom for those necessary, extremely urgent potty runs that i know will happen.
he seems to be getting it. (quick! knock on anything that is a wood product so that i don't jinx myself!) like i said in my last post, he has been telling us when he has to go both number one and number two. we've had several days of no accidents, but we've always been at home and close to the potty.
i think i need a little more confidence and courage to get myself and pbs out of the house to do lunch with a friend, go see the dinosaurs or trains at the museums, go shopping. i realize that i'll probably have to take a few outfit changes with us, for him and maybe for me, when i finally get nerve up to go on an outing of any length.
we have gone on a few walks around the block in with him wearing his "big boy underwear". we have gone to church too but he's been in a pull-up and that seems to give him the idea that it's okay to go in his pants because it feels like a diaper. maybe this sunday we should try going with the "big boy underwear" instead of the pull-up and see how he does. it's all such a process! it will be over eventually, right? right?
I smiled when I read that you were "quarantined"... It feels like just yesterday that I felt that way, too! I'm sure it won't be too long until I feel that way again, I'm sure! :o)
ReplyDeleteI've read of people who put their child in "big kid" underwear, with one of those waterproof diaper covers over the top. That way, the child still is wearing underwear and needs to tell the parent when they have to use the potty, but if there is an accident, the outfit/stroller/carseat isn't compromised. I never tried it with my first, but I might try it with my second.
Good luck! In the scheme of things, the potty training time is a very small part of the child's life, but doesn't it feel like forever as you're going through it???? :o)
it definitely feels like forever! i/we have been getting braver and getting out with a couple changes of clothes but i'm still so nervous about the accident thing. i realize that it's really only a small part of life in the scheme of things but for now, it feels like life revolves around running and making it to the potty.