Saturday, March 23, 2013


today js and i decided it would be a good day to get out for a little while. we went to old town for lunch at a little french crepe place. pbs wasn't thrilled with it but he did tell us when he had to use the potty. so that was a success in the experiment! yay!

then we walked down to the potomac river and ran around in the park for a little bit. that didn't go quite as well. pbs had an accident. he was playing hide and go seek and was hiding behind a tree when he realized he had to go potty. we had extra clothes with us but had also driven instead of taking the metro, so js walked back to get the car. pbs and i watched two saint bernard puppies play in the park while we waited for our ride. those are going to be some big dogs!

as we were waiting, pbs wanted to pet the puppies but got a little scared because they were bigger than him. their owners were telling the puppies that they needed to focus on going potty. i just thought it was kind of ironic that pbs is in the same stage of development as the puppies.

we came home and pbs took a nap for a little while. js and i started working on our taxes. so not fun. there are so many new things that we have to consider this house, new business...just to name a couple.  this has to be right up there with potty training when it comes to things that i "love" to do. yuck!

after his nap, the three of us raked some leaves in the backyard and then took a walk to the park. we took the soccer ball along. pbs played on the slides for a little bit then we all kicked the soccer ball around for a while. a little girl joined in our kicking the ball game and then she had to go home. we left the park then too. when we got home, pbs had to use the potty. another success! yay!

so i guess all in all, it was a pretty successful day of experimenting in the world of potty training.

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