Tuesday, January 17, 2012

choices and changes

when a new year starts it always seems to be the time to start making changes and choices. whether those changes and choices are physical, emotional, spiritual, life, that's up to each individual.

js and i have made the choice to get back on the hunt for a house again. this would be our first time purchasing a house. we have high hopes that we are trying to keep in check and trying to lower our expectations for our budget. those are changes that we have to make.

other choices and changes that we have made are to not spend as much money. an example of this is that we eat at home almost every day and try not to go out to dinner. although, i've made a choice to try to help with cooking more. now i don't know if i have ever stated here or not, but the kitchen and i are not friends. this is a huge change for me.

i think pbs is starting to tell us that he is ready for potty training. that will be a challenge and change that we will need to face in time. this morning he looked me in the eye and said, "i poopy." it didn't take me long to figure that out on my own either. he just turned two. my question is how do you know if your child is ready to start potty training or not? anyway...i think that's another post all together.

so i guess what i'm trying to say is that there are so many choices and changes that we make every day that maybe i need to look at it as a blessing.

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