Thursday, August 11, 2011

help please.

i'm trying to figure out this blogging thing. i haven't done any looking to find sites that give outlines or guidelines on how or what to write, link, add pictures, etc. help please.

how do i link to another blog? help please. any suggestions on topics, ideas, etc. would be very much appreciated. help please. how do i add pictures? help please. of what should i add pictures? help please.

i read a few other blogs that are pretty interesting and seem to be able to keep my attention and so i keep reading them. how can i improve on what i'm already doing? help please. i would like to have more humor and fun stuff rather than always being so serious. help please.

so i guess i'm asking for some input, suggestions, etc. help please.


  1. I don't think there's a wrong way to blog - just write what you're thinking/feeling!

  2. Well, as you said, there's plenty of sites with advice, and books, too. Part of it is figuring out what you want your blog to do--do you want to reach out to a public readership, or are you just writing for yourself and family/friends? Obviously you should enjoy it one way or the other, but one has somewhat different expectations than the other. Many blogs have a theme of some kind, an overarching connection between points made in individual posts. You've probably seen this in blogs you like.

    The blogs that you read--what do you notice that they have in common? Why do you find them interesting? Not that you would copy them, but perhaps see what you can use as guidelines and inspiration.

    I don't read any blogs regularly, so I don't know how much help I can be, but when I do, it's on a particular topic. They're like columns or articles in a magazine. If, as it seems, this is a blog about life (in general and yours specifically) then tell funny stories about what goes on, or recount a moment that struck you as meaningful.

    As for inspiration, there are some different things that you can do such as brainstorming. Or, consider looking at it this way--what do you tell your friends? Your readers are like your friends--if something happens and you think to yourself, "I should definitely tell so-and-so about this!" then maybe it's a good idea for a blog. There are certainly prompts out there too--take part in a blogathon or similar?

    I know nothing about the technical aspect of pictures or such; I'm sorry. The one other suggestion for writing that I have would be: details. The classic writing class maxim is 'show, don't tell.' For example, rather than just saying, "I had a good time at the park today," actually describe what happened at the park and show the reader why it was such a good time.

    This is a very long comment, I'm afraid, and just a bunch of suggestions. I hope something in here helps. I've been enjoying your blog and I'm looking forward to reading more!
