seasons change. hair colors change. fashions change. people change. friendships change. life changes, i should know since i am a full-time sahm. why is it so hard to realize sometimes that everything is changing?
growing up in the midwest, we saw the seasons change every year, like clockwork. we changed grades every year, possibly teachers and classrooms changed too. we change clothes out for the season and when we've outgrown them. but still it's hard to accept change sometimes.
four years on the east coast, three years on the west coast and now back on the east coast...that's a lot of change to deal with. the first four years on the east coast were filled with changing jobs, changing apartments, changing friends, changing life goals. the three years on the west coast were filled with changing roles in our marriage, changing ideas about having a family, changing the way i think about life. now back on the east coast and i'm still figuring out the changes that have taken place in the last several years.
i realize that change is in everything but to accept those changes is another thing. all of these changes happen for different reasons. i don't know what those reasons are, but i hope to see more change to learn those reasons. so for now, i will accept that change happens.
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